§ 13-29. Prohibited acts.

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful to:


    Operate between the hours 12:00 midnight and 9:00 a.m. and before 1:00 p.m. on Sundays.


    Run practices more than two (2) days per week or operate during more than two (2) consecutive days regardless of whether it is in the same week and hours of practice shall be limited to a total of (6) hours which shall be six (6) consecutive hours on each of the two (2) practice days set out above, with the exception that when traveling racing associations are scheduled for a Saturday race, practice shall be limited to two (2) days in the preceding Monday—Friday time period. Such practice will be limited to six (6) hours daily. In the event that a "special event" race is rained out, such race may be held on Sunday. This rain out provision is limited to two (2) races per season.


    Operate without the permit as outlined in this article.


    Receive a permit for or operate a raceway in any fashion that does not have a fence or other barrier sufficient to prevent vehicular access of any nature to the tract area.


    Operate after having been notified that any of the provisions required by the application requirements of section 13-29.2 are no longer in compliance according to the approving authority.

    (Res. No. 25-03-90, § 13-29, 3-19-90; Res. No. 24-02-91, 2-19-91; Amend. of 12-17-02(1); Amend. of 3-25-08(2))

(Res. No. 25-03-90, § 13-29, 3-19-90; Res. No. 24-02-91, 2-19-91; Amend. of 12-17-02(1); Amend. of 3-25-08(2))