§ 19-108. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:

    Agent. The representative of the board of supervisors who has been appointed to serve as the agent of the board in administering and enforcing this chapter including the review and approval of subdivision plats.

    Alley. A permanent service way providing a secondary means of access to abutting properties.

    Building setback. The minimum distance which a building must be set back from a street, access right-of-way, or access easement upon which the lot abuts.

    Commission. The Franklin County Planning Commission.

    Cul-de-sac. A street or street segment with only one (1) outlet and having an appropriate turnaround for a safe and convenient reverse traffic movement.

    Distances and measurements. Measurements in a horizontal plane, except as they may refer to height.

    Dry hydrant. A non-pressurized pipe system permanently installed in a water source such as a lake, pond or stream for the purpose of providing a suction supply of water in rural areas where public water may not be available to supply/refill a fire department tank truck.

    Easement. A right expressed in writing, given by the owner of land to another party of specific limited use of that land (i.e., access, pedestrian, greenway, drainage, water, sewer, public utility).

    Engineer. A professional engineer licensed for practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia under chapter 4, title 54.1 Code of Virginia.

    Family division. A division of land, approved by the agent, for the sale or gift to an immediate family member of the land owner subject to the rules and standards contained in this chapter, Code of Virginia, §§ 15.2-2244 and 15.2-2244.1, and section 19-366 of the Franklin County Code.

    Family (immediate). For the purposes of this chapter, immediate family shall include any person who is a natural or legally defined offspring, stepchild, spouse, sibling, grandchild, grandparent aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or parent of the owner.

    Front yard. The required portion of a lot between the dwelling structure and a street, access right-of-way, or access road.

    Health official. The health officer or sanitarian of the Virginia Department of Health.

    Highway engineer. The residency administrator or residency engineer employed by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

    Jurisdiction. The area or territory subject to the legislative control of the board of supervisors.

    Lot. A numbered and recorded portion of a subdivision intended for transfer of ownership or for building development of a single building and its accessory buildings. The word "lot" shall be construed to include "parcel."

    Lot area. The area of a lot, measured in square feet or acres, that is not covered by water or flowage easements.

    Lot, corner. A lot abutting two (2) or more streets at their intersection. On a corner lot, the shortest side fronting upon a street shall be considered the front of the lot, and the longest side fronting upon a street shall be considered the side of the lot.

    Lot, depth of. The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.

    Lot, double frontage. An interior lot having frontage on two (2) streets.

    Lot, exempt. Any lot greater than fifteen (15) acres.

    Lot, interior. A lot other than a corner lot.

    Lot, pipe stem. A "panhandle" or "flag" shaped lot with its widest point set back from the road at the rear of another lot.

    Lot of record. A lot which has been recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court.

    Lot, width of. The mean horizontal distance between the side lot lines.

    Performance guarantee. A financial guarantee in the form of cash, certified check or insurance surety, deposited with the local government, and guaranteeing the completion of required improvements or maintenance of required facilities.

    Plat. Includes the terms map, plan, plot, replat or replot; a map or plan of a tract or parcel of land which is to be, or which has been subdivided. When used as a verb, "plat" is synonymous with "subdivide."

    Plat, final. The plat of a proposed subdivision of land that has been approved and signed by the agent, and subsequently recorded or to be recorded with the clerk's office.

    Plat, preliminary. A survey drawing of a proposed subdivision submitted for the purpose of obtaining provisional approval prior to the submittal of a final plat.

    Property. Any tract, lot, parcel or several of the same collected together for the purpose of subdividing.

    Right-of-way. A legally established area or strip of land on which an irrevocable right of passage has been or is to be recorded and which may be occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, utility service, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or other similar use or facility.

    Street. The principal means of vehicular access to abutting properties.

    Street, private. A vehicular way owned, operated, provided and maintained by an individual, developer, homeowner's association or any other entity other than a local, state or federal government.

    Street, public. A vehicular way owned, operated, provided and maintained by a local, state or federal government.

    Street, service drive. A public right-of-way generally parallel and contiguous to a major highway, primarily designed to promote safety by eliminating promiscuous ingress and egress to the right-of-way by providing safe and orderly points for public travel, including roadways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and planting strips.

    Subdivision. To divide a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots or parcels, for the purpose of transfer of ownership or building development. The term subdivision includes resubdivision. The transfer of ownership of land to the Commonwealth of Virginia or a political subdivision thereof and the division of lands by court order or decree shall not be deemed a subdivision as otherwise defined herein.

    Subdivider. Any person or persons, corporations, partnerships or any combination thereof owning any tract, lot or parcel of land being subdivided as defined in this section.

    Subdivision, large lot. Any parcel of land containing five (5) acres or more, but not over fifteen (15) acres which parcel does not adjoin a public street which is part of the state highway system.

    Subdivision, major. Any subdivision resulting in ten (10) or more lots.

    Subdivision, minor. Any subdivision resulting in less than ten (10) lots.

    ( Ord. of 05-12-2019(1) , 5-21-19)