§ 19-402. Preliminary sketch; option to submit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The subdivider may submit to the agent a preliminary sketch of the proposed subdivision prior to preparing engineered preliminary and final plats. The purpose of such preliminary sketch is to permit the agent to advise the subdivider whether plans, in general, are in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The agent, upon submission of any such preliminary sketch, by the subdivider, shall study it and advise the subdivider wherein it appears that changes may be necessary. The agent shall mark the preliminary sketch indicating necessary changes, and any such marked sketch shall be returned to the subdivider.


    Any preliminary sketch submitted for review shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch. It shall show the name, location and dimensions of all streets entering the property, adjacent to the property or terminating at the boundary of property to be subdivided. It shall show the location of all proposed streets, lots, parks, playgrounds and other proposed uses of the land to be subdivided and shall include the approximate dimensions of all proposed lots and facilities.


    Subdividers are encouraged to submit a preliminary plat and plans for all proposed subdivisions.


    For any proposed subdivision that contains more than fifty (50) lots the subdivider shall be required to present to the agent five (5) copies of a preliminary plat and plans at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch. The preliminary plat shall include, at a minimum, the following information:


    Name of subdivision, owner, subdivider, surveyor or engineer, date of drawing, number of streets, true north point and scale.


    Location of the proposed subdivision by an inset map at a scale of not less than two (2) inches equal one (1) mile, showing adjoining roads, their names and numbers, towns, subdivisions and other landmarks.


    The boundary survey or existing survey of record; provided, that such survey shows a closure with an accuracy of not less than one (1) in two thousand five hundred (2,500); total acreage, acreage of subdivided area, zoning designation of all land within the limits of the proposed subdivision and all parcels adjacent to the subdivision, number and approximate area and frontage of all building sites, existing buildings within the boundaries of the tract, names of owners and their property lines within the boundaries of the tract and adjoining such boundaries.


    All existing, platted and proposed streets, their names, numbers and widths; existing utility or other easements, public areas and parking spaces; culverts, drains and watercourses, their names and other pertinent data.


    All parcels of land to be dedicated for public use and the conditions of such dedication.


    Topography at intervals satisfactory to the agent, if required.


    Elevations of existing and proposed ground surface at all street intersections and at points of major grade change along the centerline of streets, together with proposed grade lines connecting therewith.


    Proposed connections with existing sanitary sewers and existing water supply or alternate means of sewage disposal and water supply.


    Storm water management plans and calculations as required by the agent and the Commonwealth of Virginia.


    Address numbers as assigned by the county (by lot).


    Location of utilities, including, but not limited to, water, sewer, underground electrical and underground telephone.


    Detail sheets (available from county) completely filled out and signed.

    The submittal of a preliminary plat and plans is encouraged, but not required for proposed subdivisions containing fifty (50) lots or less.

    ( Ord. of 05-12-2019(1) , 5-21-19)