§ 22-23. Drought water conservation and contingency plan.  

Latest version.
  • Franklin County has within the County four (4) primary suppliers of public water and numerous private providers. The four entities arc the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) in conjunction with the Bedford PSA, the Town of Rocky Mount, The Town of Boones Mill and Western Virginia Water Authority who manages the Rt., 220 Corridor pursuant to the Roanoke/Franklin County water agreement. Ferrum Water Authority also serves customers in the Village of Ferrum.

    The Franklin County Drought Contingency Plan is based on the condition and severity of the drought and the guidelines for the restriction of water usage each entity determines to be necessary. WVWA in conjunction with the Bedford PSA will issue its warning based on the level of Smith Mountain Lake, how much water is flowing in from the Roanoke River and review of how much water AEP is using to create power. The Town of Rocky Mount makes its decision independently of Franklin County based on the flow of the Blackwater River. WVW and Roanoke region base their decision on the levels at Carvin's Cove Reservoir and Spring Hollow Reservoir. The Town of Boones Mill makes its decision independently of Franklin County based on available water from their groundwater sources.

    Flow information on the Roanoke River and Blackwater River are available at:


    Information on Carvins Cove reservoir is available at:


    The County Administrator is authorized to follow the lead of the entity from which Franklin County is utilizing water, and then issue one of the following water restriction notices to the citizens if deemed appropriate.

    Stage 1-Voluntary Conservation

    Stage 2-Mandatory Restriction

    Stage 3-Emergency Restriction

    Stage 1: Voluntary Conservation

    Stage 1 in Franklin County's Drought Comingency Plan is Voluntary Conservation. The County Administrator determines if the drought is severe enough to issue a Stage 1 water restriction notice. The customers will be asked to voluntarily reduce their indoor and outdoor water consumption. If drought conditions worsen, mandatory restrictions will be enacted. Action steps of stage one include the following conservation measures:

    • Customers will be asked to reduce outdoor water use by:

    • Only using water before 10:00 a.m. and after 7:00 p.m.;

    • Reducing turf watering;

    • Using a broom, not the hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks;

    • Redduce vehicle washing;

    • Using bucket watering instead of hose watering when possible; and

    • Turning off ornamental fountains.

    • Customers will be asked to reduce indoor water use by:

    • Identifying and repairing leaks;

    • Reducing shower time to five minutes or taking baths with less water;

    • Only using the clothes washer and dishwasher machines when there are full loads;

    • Storing water in the refrigerator instead of running it to get cold; and

    • Installing water-saver devices in the home, such as low-flow toilets and shower heads.

    Franklin County reserves the right to modify this plan as conditions change.

    Stage 2: Mandatory Restriction Action Steps

    As drought conditions worsen, the County Administrator may move to Stage 2, where customers are required to reduce their water use. In addition to the steps in place under Voluntary Conservation, the following mandatory restrictions will be in place:

    • Customers will only be permitted to water shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, plants or other outdoor vegetation one time per week and only before 10:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m.;

    • Washing vehicles except from a bucket or other container not exceeding three gallons in capacity or with recycled water will be prohibited;

    • Washing driveways, sidewalks, exteriors of homes or other outdoor surfaces will be prohibited; however, any person regularly engaged in the business of washing such areas shall be permitted to use water for such purposes as long as the amount of water being used is minimized;

    • The operation of any ornamental fountain or similar structure using water will be prohibited;

    • The water level in swimming pools may be supplemented only to the extent necessary to preserve structural integrity or to the extent necessary to provide for the safe operation of the pool's chemical feed equipment;

    • Golf courses will only be allowed to be watered before 10:00 a.m. and after 7:00 p.m.

    • Restaurants and similar establishments will be prohibited from serving water unless specifically requested by the customer;

    • Flow testing of fire hydrants will not be permitted;

    • Customers who do not abide by these mandatory restrictions will be subject to an educational warning letter for the first (1st) offense; a fine of $50.00 for the second (2nd) offense; and a fine of $100.00 for the third (3rd) offense within a citizen noticed drought restriction period. Subsequent violations will be subject to water service termination and reconnection fees.

    Franklin County reserves the right to modify this plan as conditions change.

    Stage 3: Emergency Restriction Action Steps

    During the continued existence of extraordinary drought conditions, the county administrator may move to Stage 3, where certain uses of water not essential to public health, safety and welfare are curtailed. In addition to the steps in place under voluntary conservation and mandatory restrictions, the following emergency restrictions will be in affect:

    • All public water uses not required for health, safety or welfare will be prohibited;

    • Watering outdoor vegetation will be prohibited, except from a watering can or other container not exceeding three gallons in capacity or with recycled water. Any person regularly engaged in the sale of plants will be permitted to irrigate only in the amounts necessary to prevent the loss of nursery stock;

    • Golf courses will only be permitted to water fairways, and greens before 10:00 a.m. and after midnight;

    • The filling or refilling of swimming pools or wading pools will be prohibited;

    • Fire hydrant use will only be permitted for fire protection; and

    • Residential customers who exceed the greater of 5,000 gallons per month of consumption or use more than their base usage for the same period in the previous twelve (12) months will be charged two-times the rate. Residential customers who continue to use more than 5,000 gallons per month consumption or use more than their base usage for the same period in the previous twelve (12) months will be subject to water service termination and reconnection fees.

    Franklin County reserves the right to modify this plan as conditions change. If you have questions about Franklin County's drought contingency plan, please contact the Public Utilities Department at (540) 483-3030.

    (Res. No. 10-10-2011, 10-18-11)

(Res. No. 10-10-2011, 10-18-11)