§ 22-9. Clearing and erosion control.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. The owner/contractor shall be responsible for complying with all provisions of Franklin County's Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance and the approved erosion and sediment control plans and notes, including the construction, installation, and maintenance of all mechanical and vegetative erosion and sediment control measures for the duration of the project. If unforeseen erosion or sediment problems arise during the construction, the owner/contractor shall implement corrective measures acceptable to Franklin County.


    Other compliance. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be in accordance with all local, state, and federal requirements.


    Extent of clearing. Only that portion of the right-of-way or easement actually needed for construction shall be cleared or used by heavy equipment unless directed otherwise by Franklin County. In no case shall clearing or debris from clearing operations be taken past right-of-way or permanent easement lines onto private property. Construction equipment and materials shall be stored only in approved areas. Areas disturbed by construction operations shall be replanted or otherwise restored immediately upon completion of work in that area.

    (Res. No. 09-05-2011, 5-17-11)

(Res. No. 09-05-2011, 5-17-11)