§ 22-161. General.  

Latest version.
  • All sewage treatment facilities and septic systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Virginia Department of Health, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Regulations, WVWA Standards, and county requirements. All sewage treatment facilities and septic systems shall require a special use permit as outlined in section 25-179 special use permits of the county code.


    Sewage systems 1,200 gpd or greater: The following requirements apply to all sewage systems greater than or equal to one thousand two hundred (1,200) gpd.


    Buffer zones: All sewage treatment facilities that require a special use permit by the county must provide an adequate buffer zone as specified in the sewage collection and treatment (SCAT) segulations, required by Virginia Department of Health or as described herewith:


    Within buffer zones, neither residential uses, high density human activities, nor activities involving food preparation are to be established within the extent of the buffer zone. Land use within the buffer zone must be identified and approved by the county zoning administrator. The buffer zone is the distance from any aerated treatment unit.


    The county may approve a reduction up to one half of the listed buffer zone requirements based on one or more of the following factors: (i) site topography, (ii) prevailing wind directions, (iii) existence of natural barriers, (iv) establishment of an effective windbreak, (v) type of adjacent development, and (vi) provision of enclosed units.


    The prevailing wind direction should be determined by on-site data. Local weather station records may be utilized if they are demonstrated to be applicable.


    A windbreak should be located on both sides of the treatment works parallel to the facilities and the area that is to be protected by the windbreak and as close to the treatment works as practical. An windbreak should consist of at least two (2) parallel rows of evergreen trees with an initial minimum height of six (6) feet. Other species of trees or man made windbreaks may be proposed to the county for approval.


    Visual screening and/or landscaping shall be provided for the treatment facility. The county zoning administrator shall approve the type of visual screening and/or landscaping.


    Reduced buffer distances may be established for covered/enclosed treatment unit operations or processes with approval by the county. Covered/enclosed units shall be provided with screened openings and positive forced draft ventilation and shall have provisions for removal of aerosols and odors from the exhaust.


    The required buffer zone shall be maintained by adequate legal instruments such as either ownership, recorded easements, or restrictive zoning.

    Unit processes that are totally enclosed

    Design flow (gpd) Buffer zone (feet)
    <1,200 none
    1,200 to 500,000 50
    >500,000 100


    Unit processes using low intensity mixing

    Design flow (gpd) Buffer zone (feet)
    <40,000 200
    40,000 to 500,000 300
    >500,000 400


    Unit operations using turbulent aeration or mixing

    Design flow (gpd) Buffer zone (feet)
    <40,000 300
    40,000 to 500,000 400
    >500,000 600



    Reliability classification: All sewage treatment facilities that require a special use permit by the county must have a reliability classification established in accordance with 9 VAC 25-790-70 of the SCAT Regulations. The county may elect to assign a more stringent reliability classification if there is concern for the impact to the environment, groundwater supplies, or public health. Determination of the reliability classification will also consider the size of the treatment facility and the availability of water during power outages.


    Operational staffing: All sewage treatment facilities that require special use permit by the county must be properly staffed to provide adequate operations and maintenance. Minimum staffing requirements shall be as set for by Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality.


    Reserve area: Projects must provide a reserve area equal to one hundred (100) percent of the drainfield for any system that is equal to or greater than one thousand two hundred (1,200) gpd. If the project provides treatment of the effluent that is equal or less than the following parameters and the soil classification of the drainfields is as follows, a fifty (50) percent reserve area will be permitted:

    Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 30 mg/l
    Total suspended solids (TSS) 30 mg/l
    Soil classification I or II texture group


    Areas, which are designated as reserve areas, shall not be disturbed and shall remain in their current condition, unless approved by the county and its successors or assigns. These areas may be classified as green space or open space. There shall be no adverse impact to designated reserve areas from development or future activities. Reserve areas shall be indicated on the record plat and restricted by deed from other uses


    Disinfection of treated effluent: All treated wastewater that is discharged to a soil with a classification Type I texture group must be disinfected by ultraviolet light irradiation, or other approved non-chlorine based disinfectant, prior to application in the soil regardless of treatment plant capacity. Disinfection of treated wastewater into Type II texture group soils will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the County and its successors or assigns with consideration given to the proximity of the disposal site to public and private wells, water bodies, and environmentally sensitive areas. Effluent shall be treated to less than 200 cfu/1,000 ml in the discharge


    Facilities management: All wastewater treatment and disposal systems that require a special use permit must provide adequate management control, operations and maintenance of the system to ensure compliance with the approved design, and protect the environment and public health.


    All sewage treatment systems shall have an operation and maintenance manual in accordance with Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality regulations.


    All sewage treatment systems shall provide performance monitoring in accordance with Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality regulations.


    All sewage treatment systems shall provide operating reports in accordance with Virginia Department of Health or Department of Environmental Quality regulations.

    (Res. No. 09-05-2011, 5-17-2011)

(Res. No. 09-05-2011, 5-17-2011)