§ 25-134. Temporary events.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Temporary events, where permitted, shall require a temporary land use permit issued by the zoning administrator, subject to the conditions set forth below.


    The applicant shall submit information indicating the individuals and/or parties sponsoring the event, the nature of the event, the type of entertainment scheduled, the total estimated number of people expected to attend the event, the estimated number of people expected to attend the event per day, and the dates for which the temporary land use permit is requested.


    The applicant shall provide a detailed plan for event parking and parking management. Parking shall be required in a ratio of one hundred (100) square feet of land area per person, based on the estimated number of people expected to attend the event per day. Land area required for parking shall be less than twelve (12) percent in slope, and shall be cleared or unconstrained by trees, buildings, structures or other impediments to parking.


    The applicant shall provide a detailed plan for adequate medical facilities, fire protection, and security of the event site. Such plan must be reviewed and approved by the Franklin County Department of Public Safety prior to issuance by the zoning administrator of a temporary land use permit.


    The applicant shall provide a detailed plan for adequate sanitation facilities, garbage and trash collection and disposal, and on-site facilities for providing food, water, or lodging for persons attending the event. Such plan must be reviewed and approved by the Franklin County Department of Health prior to issuance by the zoning administrator of a temporary land use permit.


    The applicant shall provide a detailed plan for off-site traffic control and circulation to provide safe ingress and egress to the event without burdening the existing road network or substantially disrupting the normal flow of traffic. Such plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office prior to issuance by the zoning administrator of a temporary land use permit.


    Any lighting installed for the event shall be directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way, and shall not exceed one (1) foot candle as measured at the property line.


    Temporary events shall require a minimum land area of one (1) acre.


    Temporary events shall be limited in duration to not more than ninety-six (96) hours. Events lasting more than ninety-six (96) hours shall not be classified as temporary events.


    Events with an estimated daily attendance of three hundred (300) persons or less shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.

    (Res. No. 26-05-2008, 5-20-08)

(Res. No. 26-05-2008, 5-20-08)