§ 25-500.10. Required buffering.  

Latest version.
  • A buffer shall be required adjacent to the Route 220 right-of-way, in accordance with the following:


    No buildings, parking areas, and other physical site improvements shall be located within the required buffer, with the exception of driveway access as approved by VDOT.


    The required buffer shall extend two hundred fifty (250) feet from the edge of the Route 220 right-of-way, as measured perpendicular to the edge of the Route 220 right-of-way, unless otherwise allowed in this section.


    Any parcel in existence at the time of adoption of this section containing less than one half (½) of an acre of area, or measuring less than five hundred (500) feet in depth as measured perpendicular to the edge of the Route 220 right-of-way, shall be required to maintain a one hundred (100) foot buffer, as measured perpendicular to the edge of the Route 220 right-of-way.


    Tree cutting and timber harvesting shall be permitted within the required buffer, in accordance with the following standards:


    Trees measuring more than six (6) inches in diameter but less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter, as measured at breast height, shall not be cut, except as otherwise provided in this section.


    Nothing herein shall prohibit the cutting of trees for the following:


    Installation of permitted roads, driveways, trails, or utilities;


    Tree cutting for domestic firewood use;


    Removal of trees posing an imminent hazard to health or safety of persons or livestock;


    Removal of dead trees;


    Removal of invasive tree species.

    (Res. No. 18-12-2009, 12-15-09; Res. No. 22-11-2011, 11-15-11)

(Res. No. 18-12-2009, 12-15-09; Res. No. 22-11-2011, 11-15-11)