§ 25-671. Procedure for review of minor site plans.  

Latest version.
  • In cases where the zoning administrator approves submission of a minor site plan, the following procedures and application information shall be required unless waived or modified under the provisions of section 25-707 of this division.


    The applicant shall request and attend a pre-application meeting with the staff of the department of planning and community development.


    For discussion purposes, the applicant shall present at the pre-application meeting a preliminary or sketch site plan showing the following:


    Boundary lines of the subject property and/or plat of record, as available.


    General layout design of the proposed development on a scale not smaller than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, or as appropriate.


    General parking and landscape layout;


    Proposed building setbacks and all required building setback lines.


    Zoning on subject and adjacent parcels.


    A minor site plan may be submitted to the department of planning and community development at any time. The application shall contain all the following information.


    A vicinity map at an appropriate scale such as one (1) inch equals one (1) mile and landmarks sufficient to identify the location of the property.


    Proof of ownership, such as the deed and plat of record.


    The owner's approval in writing to the site plan application.


    Existing and proposed streets and easements, their names, numbers and width, existing and proposed utilities of all types, watercourses and their names and the owner, zoning and present use of adjoining tracts.


    The design of the location, type and size of ingress and egress of the site in a format meeting applicable standards of VDOT is required with the application for a minor site plan. Before a minor site plan may be approved by the county, evidence is required of existing approvals of the VDOT residency office for entrances onto state maintained highways.


    All off-street parking and parking bays, loading spaces and walkways indicating the type of surface and a specific schedule showing the number of parking spaces provided and the number required in accordance with this ordinance.


    Number of floors, floor area, height, location and proposed general use of each building.


    As applicable, the design of the existing and/or proposed water and sewage system in a form acceptable to VDH and in compliance with chapter 22 of the Franklin County Code (as applicable) must be filed with the minor site plan application. Evidence of any required approval by VDH and the county must be provided prior to consideration of minor site plan approval.


    Provisions and schedule for the adequate control of erosion and sedimentation in accord with chapter 7 of the County Code.


    A landscape plan that meets the landscape requirements of this division.


    A plan for signs that includes the location, size and height of all existing and proposed freestanding signs demonstrating compliance with the sign regulations of this division.


    Minor site plans for the expansion of an existing use on the same lot or onto an adjacent lot will show general locations of all existing facilities as well as those proposed, and existing adjacent structures within fifty (50) feet of the project boundary. The locations of the listed uses shall be approximate and need not require survey information; if the general location of structures on adjacent properties is unavailable without the benefit of a survey, this information shall not be required.


    Upon receipt of a minor site plan, the zoning administrator or his designated agent shall determine if the application materials meet the submission requirements. If they do, the application shall be termed officially filed. The county shall have twenty-one (21) working days from the date of official filing to approve, approve with conditions or deny the minor site plan. If the application is incomplete it shall be returned to the applicant for corrective action.

    (Ord. of 7-16-02(3))

(Ord. of 7-16-02(3))