§ 25-676. Contents of major site plans.  

Latest version.
  • Every major site plan submission shall contain all the following information and specific items and comply with the following guidelines, unless said information, specific items or guidelines are waived or modified under the provisions of section 25-707 of this division.


    The name and address of the owner or developer, surveyor or engineer, magisterial district, north point, date, scale of drawings and number of sheets. A three-inch by five-inch (3" x 5") area shall be reserved on the drawings for signatures and/or stamps of approving agencies.


    The scale of the site plan drawing shall be one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet or as appropriate and otherwise approved by the zoning administrator. No sheet shall exceed thirty-six (36) inches by forty-two (42) inches in size without prior approval of the zoning administrator.


    The name of the development.


    The proposed use and the zoning and present use of the subject parcel and adjacent parcels, and the minimum required setbacks and parking spaces.


    The general notes shall indicate whether the development is allowed by-right or whether a special use permit is required. The date such permits were approved and all required conditions and approved modifications or deviations to regulations shall be shown on the plan. All conditional zoning proffers for the land shall also be shown on the plan.


    The location of the tract or parcel by vicinity map at an appropriate scale such as one (1) inch equals one (1) mile or as otherwise approved by the zoning administrator, and landmarks sufficient to properly identify the location of the property.


    A boundary survey of the tract or site plan limit showing the location and type of boundary evidence and the area of the site.


    The source and title of the owner of the tract, the owner's name and the place of record of the last instrument in the chain of title (including deed book and page number).


    Existing and proposed streets and easements, their names, numbers and width, existing and proposed utilities of all types, water courses and their names, owner, zoning and present use of adjoining tracts.


    Location, type and size of ingress and egress of the site.


    The location, width and extent of all front, side and rear setbacks required by this division or by special use permit conditions or conditional zoning proffers.


    Location, type, size and height of all fencing, screening and retaining walls where required under the provisions of applicable ordinances.


    All off street parking and parking bays, loading spaces and walkways indicating the type of surfacing, size, angle of stalls, width of aisles and a specific schedule showing the number of parking spaces provided and the number required in accordance with this division. All spaces shall have adequate space for moving and turning.


    Number of floors, floor area, height and location of each building and proposed general use for each building if single family attached or multi-family, the number, size and type of dwelling units shall be shown, along with density, location, type and percentage of total acreage of recreational facilities.


    Computation notations to include the total site area, and the amount and percentage of the site covered by open space and buildings, or dwelling units for multifamily residential developments.


    Bylaws of homeowner association, when applicable.


    Existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer facilities indicating all pipe sizes, types and grades and where connection is to be made to an existing or proposed water and sewer system. The design of all water and sewer systems shall comply with the regulations of the Virginia Department of Health and chapter 22 of the Franklin County Code. No site plan shall be approved unless the Virginia Department of Health and the County of Franklin approve the water and sewer facilities serving the site.


    Adequate provision for the disposition of natural and storm water with respect to quantity in accord with the standards of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Where drainage does not discharge directly into an existing drainage way, drainage easements where necessary shall be obtained from adjacent property owners.


    Provisions for fire protection in accord with the standards and codes of the National Fire Protection Association.


    Provision and schedule for the adequate control of erosion and sediment in accord with the provisions of chapter 7 of the Franklin County Code.


    Existing topography accurately shown with a maximum of five (5) foot contour intervals at a scale of not less than fifty (50) feet to the inch, or as appropriate and approved by the zoning administrator.


    Proposed finished grading by contour supplemented where necessary by spot elevations.


    All horizontal dimensions shown shall be in feet and decimals of a foot to the closest one-hundredth of a foot and all bearing in degrees, minutes and seconds to the nearest ten (10) seconds.


    A landscape design plan, based on accepted professional design layouts and principals, and complying with the landscape requirements of this division.


    A plan for the disposal of solid waste, including the location of receptacles, screening and fencing.


    A plan for signs that includes the location, size and height of all existing and proposed freestanding signs demonstrating compliance with the sign regulations of this division.


    Written and signed statements from the appropriate VDH official approving the water and sewer service to the site are required prior to site plan approval; however, the official filing of the site plan application shall be complete with regard to water and sewer service so long as the required design information for these site utilities is submitted meeting applicable standards and in a form suitable for transmission by the county to the review authorities.


    Written and signed statements from the appropriate VDOT official approving the entrances onto state roads to the site are required prior to site plan approval; however, the official filing of the site plan application shall be complete with regard to vehicular access to and egress from the site so long as the required design information is submitted meeting applicable standards and in a form suitable for transmission by the county to the review authorities.


    Site plans for the expansion of an existing use on the same lot or onto an adjacent lot will show all existing facilities as well as those proposed.


    Right-of-way lines, centerlines, departing lot lines, lot numbers, subdivision limits, limits of construction and building location.


    Centerline curve data, radius of curbs, the width of rights-of-way and all easements, and the width of surface or distance between curb faces in relation to centerlines and other street construction data for all public and private streets. All streets that are to be included in the state highway system for maintenance shall comply with the regulations of the Virginia Department of Transportation.


    Typical pavement cross sections for all private streets and parking areas.


    Any necessary notes that may be required to explain the intent and purposes of specific items on the plan or profile.


    Existing and proposed drainage easements and the direction of drainage flow in streets, storm sewer, valley gutters, streams and sub-drainage ways.


    Floodplain limits and the method used to establish the limits.


    The location of all or any springs either within or draining to street rights-of-way and the proposed method of treatment.


    A schedule of costs of all required improvements, including storm water retention and drainage structures, water and sewer systems required by chapter 22 of the County Code that are not bonded by VDH, sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, landscape plantings, parking areas, screening, fences, walks, curbs, gutters, outdoor lighting and other physical improvements.


    The site plan may be prepared on one (1) or more sheets. If prepared on more than one (1) sheet, match lines shall clearly indicate where the several sheets join.


    Profiles shall be submitted for all sanitary and storm sewers, streets and curbs adjacent thereto, and other utilities, and shall be submitted on plan and profile sheets. Special studies as required may be submitted on standard cross section paper and shall have a scale of one (1) inch equals a maximum of fifty (50) feet horizontally and one (1) inch equals a maximum of twenty (20) feet vertically. No sheet shall exceed thirty-six (36) inches by forty-two (42) inches, or as appropriate and approved by the zoning administrator.


    A photometric and lighting plan to measure direct and reflective illumination to include; footcandle strength at property lines, detail of all external/outdoor lighting fixtures, poles and related structures, and the overall height of light structures. Such plan is to include all wall mounted and under canopy lights.

    (Ord. of 7-16-02(3); Res. No. 16-06-2004, 6-15-04(5))

(Ord. of 7-16-02(3); Res. No. 16-06-2004, 6-15-04(5))