§ 26-1. Regulation of parking on county property.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is hereby ordained that the parking spaces shown on the attached plat located in the Franklin County parking lot located generally between Main Street and the Franklin County Library and colored in green shall be designated for parking not to exceed thirty (30) minutes, colored in black shall be designated for parking not to exceed (1) hour, colored in blue shall be designated as handicapped parking spaces, and colored in pink shall be designated as parking for public safety and the sheriffs department. The map attached hereto with the spaces so designated is for identification purposes and such spaces shall be marked by a sign placed on a post located at the approximate front and center of each space so designated, which sign shall be at approximate eye level. It shall be illegal to park in those spaces designated as parking not to exceed thirty (30) minutes for a longer period of time than thirty (30) minutes and shall be illegal for anyone other than handicapped persons or sheriff's or public safety vehicles in those spaces so designated.


    Penalty. The penalty for illegal parking pursuant to this chapter shall be as follows:

    Parking over time allowed in 30-minute parking space .....$10.00

    Parking over time allowed in 1-hour parking space .....10.00

    Illegally parking in space designated handicapped .....50.00

    Illegally parking in space designated for public safety or sheriff's vehicles .....10.00

    (Ord. of 10-21-97)

    Editor's note— The parking map referred to above can be found on file in the county administrator's office.

(Ord. of 10-21-97)

Editor's note

The parking map referred to above can be found on file in the county administrator's office.