§ 6-23. Application generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person desiring to sponsor, organize, direct or lead a parade or demonstration upon any street or sidewalk or upon or in any public place within the county shall file an application for a parade or demonstration permit with the county administrator and in such application shall be set forth:


    The date and hour for the assembling of the participants in such parade or demonstration and the expected duration thereof.


    The streets, sidewalks and public places over and upon which the parade or demonstration is to take place.


    Whether the parade or demonstration is to be conducted on foot or with animals or vehicles, or any combination thereof, and the number of persons, vehicles and animals expected to participate.


    The purpose of the parade or demonstration.


    The names and addresses of the actual sponsors of such parade or demonstration and the organization or organizations, if any, of which the expected participants are members.


    The name and address of the person who shall be in charge of such parade or demonstration and who shall be responsible for the conduct thereof and for compliance with all applicable provisions of law, this Code and other ordinances by participants in such parade or demonstration.


    Such other information as the board of supervisors may require.


    Each application filed under this section shall be signed and sworn to by at least one person, who shall be the person named in the application as the one who shall be in charge of such parade or demonstration and who shall be responsible for the conduct thereof and for compliance with all applicable provisions of law, this Code and other ordinances by participants in such parade or demonstration.

    (Code 1974, §§ 6-4, 6-5)

(Code 1974, §§ 6-4, 6-5)