Article 16.1-10. [Contents of] concept plan.  

The concept plan shall contain the following data, together with supplementary data for a particular development, as reasonably deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors or its agent:


Concept Site Information


Vicinity map at a scale of not less than one inch equals 2,000 feet.


Boundary survey including area of the tract related to true meridian or United States Geological Survey grid north.


Attorney's certificate showing the owner or owners of the subject property, marketable title to the subject property in such owner or owners, naming the source of applicant's title or interest in the subject property, and the place of record of the latest instrument in the chain of title for each parcel constituting the tract.


Total area of the tract.


Abutting street names with Route numbers.


Owners and uses of each adjoining tract.


Topographic map with minimum contour intervals and scaled acceptable to the Board of Supervisors or its agent.


A statement in tabular form of the anticipated residential density and the total number of dwelling units, the percentage of the tract which is to be occupied by structures, and the total floor area of all commercial uses.


Architectural sketches of typical proposed structures.


When the development is to be constructed in stages or units, a sequence of the development schedule showing the order of construction of each principal functional element of such stages or units, the approximate completion date for each stage or unit.


Where required by [the] Planning Commission, a traffic impact statement prepared by the developer showing the effects of traffic generated by the project on surrounding roads.


Where required by [the] Planning Commission, a statement of minimum expected market value at time of completion at the current market value at the time of submission of the concept plan.


A plan to insure the perpetual and proper care and maintenance of the sewage disposal and/or sewage treatment facilities which plan is acceptable and subject to approval by the local Department of Health.