§ 25-677. Minimum standards and improvements required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Costs and specifications: All improvements required by this article shall be installed at the cost of the developer. Where specifications have been established by VDOT for streets, by VDH for water and sewer systems, or by Franklin County for private streets, parking areas, water and sewer systems, and other facilities and utilities, such specifications shall be followed. The developer's performance bond shall not be released until construction has been inspected and accepted by the county and VDOT. Partial bond releases may be granted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia.


    Bonding and agreement: Prior to the approval of any site development plan, the applicant shall execute an agreement with the county to construct all physical improvements required by the site development plan, except for such improvements as are bonded elsewhere under section 7-14 (erosion and sediment control), section 19-66 (subdivisions), section 22-16 (water and sewer systems), and section 25-97 (landscaping and buffering). Whenever the cost of such improvements as identified under section 25-676(37) shall exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), the applicant shall post a performance guarantee with surety acceptable to the county to cover the estimated cost of the required improvements plus ten (10) percent contingency. Acceptable forms of surety include:


    A letter of credit from a recognized lending institution;


    A cash amount, placed in escrow with the county; or


    A performance bond, issued by a surety company licensed in the State of Virginia.

    Any dispute arising from the proposed disposition of a posted performance guarantee shall be resolved by the Franklin County Circuit Court.


    Setback from right-of-way: Where a site plan is presented on public streets of less than fifty (50) feet in width, the line for the purpose of determining required yards, shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the centerline of the existing road or as specified by the VDOT Resident Engineer. (Refer also to zoning district setbacks, section 5-4 and section 25-98, and for properties in the Westlake Village Center Overlay District, refer to section 25-495.)


    Driveways and service roads: The pavement of vehicular traffic lanes or driveways (that are not to be accepted into the state highway system for maintenance) designed to permit vehicular travel on the site and to and from adjacent property and parking areas shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in width. The use of cross access easements is strongly encouraged and should be utilized whenever possible.


    Easements: Adequate easements shall be provided for drainage and all utilities. Minimum easement width shall be twenty (20) feet. Where multiple structures or pipes are installed, the edge of the easement shall be five (5) feet clear of the outside edge of the pipes. Where easements do not follow the established lot lines, the nearest edge of any easement shall be a minimum of five feet from any building.


    Drainage: Adequate drainage for the disposition of storm and natural waters both on and off-site shall be provided. The extent and nature of both on-site and off-site treatment including storm water retention and/or detention, will be determined by reference to the most current edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.


    Water and sewer systems: Design requirements for water and sewer systems shall be determined by reference to both the Virginia Department of Health regulations and chapter 22 of the County Code.


    Parking: Design requirements for parking shall be determined by reference to sections 25-80 through 25-86 of this zoning chapter. The requirements of these sections shall be binding unless specifically modified by other sections of these regulations.


    Pedestrian walkways: Provision shall be made for sidewalks and pedestrian walkways which will enable patrons and/or tenants to walk safely and conveniently from one (1) building to another within the site and to buildings and/or uses on adjacent sites as well. Walkways which cross parking areas and driving lanes shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of pavers, bricks or patterned concrete, to enhance pedestrian safety and the attractiveness of the walkway.


    Landscaping and screening: Landscape plantings, screening, fences, walks, curbs, gutters and other physical improvements as required by this division and the regulations of VDOT shall be provided by the developer.


    Fencing: Appropriately designed security fencing shall be provided to surround any use where necessary for the protection of neighbors and/or the public. In applying this requirement, the character of the use in question shall be considered, as well as the current use and zoning of the land in the immediate vicinity.


    Outdoor lighting. All uses requiring site plan approval shall provide outdoor lighting for parking areas and pathways leading from parking areas to buildings. Where such lighting is required, the site plan shall be accompanied by a lighting plan, in accordance with the requirements of article II, division 4.2, outdoor lighting.


    Maintenance: All site improvements required by this division and other regulations as shown on an approved site plan shall be maintained in a safe, serviceable and attractive condition for as long as the use initially proposed or subsequent replacement uses continue. Such improvements shall include, but are not limited to paving, drainage, water and sewerage facilities, entrances, grass, landscaping and screening, pedestrian walkways, and lighting. Unless specifically agreed upon by the county, all maintenance shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property or his designated agent.

    (Ord. of 7-16-02(3); Res. No. 22-06-2004, 6-15-04(6); Ord. of 6-15-04(7); Ord. of 11-19-04; Res. No. 16-10-2008, 10-21-08; Res. No. 15-04-2009, 4-21-09)

(Ord. of 7-16-02(3); Res. No. 22-06-2004, 6-15-04(6); Ord. of 6-15-04(7); Ord. of 11-19-04; Res. No. 16-10-2008, 10-21-08; Res. No. 15-04-2009, 4-21-09)