§ 5-3. Removal, repair, etc., of dangerous structures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Owners of property within the county shall at such time or times as the county administrator or his designee, the building official, may prescribe, remove, repair or secure any building, wall or other structure which might endanger the public health or safety of other residents of the county.


    Franklin County, through its own agents or employees, may remove, repair or secure any building, wall or other structure which might endanger the public health or safety of other residents of the county when the owner of such property, after reasonable notice and a reasonable time to do so, has failed to remove, repair or secure such building, wall or other structure to the satisfaction of the building official. For purposes of this section, reasonable notice includes a written notice (i) mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, sent to the last known address of the property owner and (ii) published once a week for two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the locality. No action shall be taken by the locality to remove, repair, or secure any building, wall, or other structure for at least thirty (30) days following the later of the return of the receipt or newspaper publication, except that the locality may take action to prevent unauthorized access to the building within seven (7) days of such notice if the structure is deemed to pose a significant threat to public safety and such fact is stated in the notice;


    In the event that Franklin County, through its own agents or employees, removes, repairs or secures any building, wall or other structure after complying with the notice provisions of this section, the cost or expenses thereof shall be chargeable to and paid by the owner of such property and may be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected.


    Every charge authorized by this section with which the owner of any such property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property.

    (Code 1974, § 5-11; Ord. of 2-27-07(8); Ord. of 3-25-08(1))

    State Law reference— Authority for above section, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-906.

(Code 1974, § 5-11; Ord. of 2-27-07(8); Ord. of 3-25-08(1))

State law reference

Authority for above section, Code of Virginia, § 15.2-906.